Dungeons and Dragons Halflings

Dungeons & Dragons – Halfling Rogue with Daggers (Darksword Miniatures)

For our Daisygate campaign, we are continuing to use “The A-Team”, the characters from the previous campaign, but since the campaign is folliowing a “West Marches” style format, we have also introduce “The Nightshift”, which is a new group of adventurers offering us more flexibility in terms of inviting guests and frequency of games for […]


Dungeons & Dragons – Queen of Shadows (Freebooter Miniatures)

  Fantastic and majestic miniature! Leaned on my wife to suggest colours for her. Normally when I paint minis are glue them all together first… to avoid wasting time painting bits that cannot be seen… however, this was a case where I wish I hadn’t glued her skirt on before painting her legs.. or stockings […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Colpo di Mano (Freebooter Miniatures)

Of all the cool Freebooter minis I have, this is probably my least fav to be honest. I think the mask is weird. Happy with the paint job though. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most ancient, secretive and powerful crime organisation in Heden Rei, the world our campaign “The War of the Triplets” […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Spada (Freebooter Miniatures)

Freebooter Fate has a lot of lovely miniatures, but I especially like the italian inspired Brotherhood, who has formed the base for the ancient underworld society The Masquerade in our D&D campaign. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most ancient, secretive and powerful crime organisation in Heden Rei, the world our campaign “The War […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Coscritti & Harlequin (Freebooter Miniatures)

I’ve been wanting for a while to add in an unknown or strange type adversary into our Dungeons and Dragons campaign War of the Triplets. When we started a year ago, my players were for most part new to roleplaying games or they may have played a bit 25-30 years ago in school. So to […]

Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books

Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures!

Getting back into Dungeons & Dragons this year has truly revived my painting hobby and looking back at 2018, I have painted more minis this year than the previous decade! Without any further ado, here are all of them in a single post! Enjoy! also check out my other two mega posts: Dungeons & Dragons MEGA […]

Dragonkin Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Dragonkin Rogue (Darksword Miniatures)

I think this amazing Dragonkin is a good example of why I like Dragonkin from Darksword miniatures rather than for example from Reaper. I was originally thinking of painting his skin black or dark blue to really be a camouflaged Rougue, but then I thought it would be much cooler to make his skin brighter […]

Dungeons and Dragons Elves

Dungeons & Dragons – Dark Elf Rogue (Darksword Miniatures)

A friend of mine who tried Dungeons & Dragons as a kid, decided to join my campaign “War of the Triplets”. As the only player he was toying with the idea of a chaotic evil Drow. In the end he settled for a Chaotic Neutral Drow… but he is playing it borderline Chaotic Evil, I’d […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Human Male Assassin (Dark Sword Miniatures)

This Assassin featured in Chapter 1 of the Dungeons & Dragons campaign: War of the Triplets. To be honest I bought this assassin, and this female thief, both from Dark Sword Miniatures, simply because they were cool! In the end they were perfect as supporting baddies for the party’s very first encounter, which was an assassination […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Human Female Thief (Dark Sword Miniatures)

This Thief featured in Chapter 1 of the Dungeons & Dragons campaign: War of the Triplets. I bought this thief alongside this assassin purely because they were cool characters, but I wanted to use them in the adventure so they both ended up being henchmen in the very first encounter of the campaign led by Oleg the […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Male Wererat Rogue – Human and Were Form (Dark Sword Miniatures)

This Wererat Rogue featured in Chapter 1 of the Dungeons & Dragons campaign: War of the Triplets. I originally bought the human form thinking it was perfect for a sneaky assassin for the party’s very first combat. Later I realised there was a wererat form too so got that one and an easy encounter changed to […]