Drager og Dæmoner Dungeons and Dragons Undead Vintage miniatures (pre 90s)

Dungeons & Dragons – Undead Giant Cyclops (Fantasy Lords – Grenadier Models)

Back in the 80s when I first started playing RPGs we really didn’t have access to a lot of miniatures, which meant when you found something unusual and cool, you grabbed it! That’s how I ended up with my first version of this fantastic Undead Cyclops from Grenadier Models 1988. That version has long since […]

Dungeons and Dragons Dwarves Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Mob of Dwarven Undead (multiple manufacturers)

I spent quite a long time looking for Dwarven undead and was quite proud of the gang I had painstakingly collected, so when I found the Macrocosm box of dwarven skellies, it was with mixed feelings. However, I still think the gang I’ve collected is a pretty cool team and I painted their bases in […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Dwarf and Goblin Skeletons (Macrocosm Games)

I’ve spent the last year and a half finding dwarven undead… I’ve found 5 minis so far and then I found the Ancient Grudges – Bonefields set from Macrocosm Games that has a ton of Dwarf and Goblin Skellies! Great variety and quality of these little cute minis. I painted them using this speed painting […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Ghost (Reaper Bones)

I picked this Ghost up ages ago, but kept putting off painting it, which is stupid as painting it was literally: Spray black, drybrush and add a bit of details. done!

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Undead Kitty Cats of Doom (Darksword Miniatures)

When I saw these I had an immediate sneaky plan! Can’t wait to put it to play. Great simple miniatures. The Kitty Cats with their master

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Mummy Queen Netikerti, Nefsokar Mage (Reaper Miniatures)

I do think undead is the best race in Dungeons and Dragons. Yes, I love Goblins, but undeads you can get from the very lowest level and all the way up. I think they also offers the greatest variety and there is something elegant about Egyptian themed undead like this Mummy Queen from Reaper miniatures. […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – The Witch King (Rage Craft Miniatures)

I only recently learned about Rage Craft Miniatures , but when I saw the photos of this amazing Witch King I bought it immediately. And the real miniature didn’t disappoint! In fact, I’d say eventhough I am happy with the paintjob on this one, it doesn’t do the miniature justice! Really badass undead dude.Would work […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Vampire Countess (Avatars of War)

Saw this miniatures years ago but didn’t have a use for it (I tend to paint only what I need for playing). And although our D&D party is nowhere near at the level where they can fight vampires, I still think the chance they might one day is a good enough reason to buy and […]

Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books

Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures!

Getting back into Dungeons & Dragons this year has truly revived my painting hobby and looking back at 2018, I have painted more minis this year than the previous decade! Without any further ado, here are all of them in a single post! Enjoy! also check out my other two mega posts: Dungeons & Dragons MEGA […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Cryx Captain Rengrave (Privateer Press)

I was part of “the wave” when IK Warmachine first hit and was a diehard Cryx player for a long time before I felt the game got too big. But I keep up with what the produce so when I needed an undead captain for a Dungeons & Dragons game, it was an easy choice to […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Undead ‘The Pope’ and ‘Mummy n°1’ (Greebo Games)

When I bought the Dryad Queen from Greebo Games, I also noticed how many amazing undead miniatures they make and I bought these two without really knowing where they would fit in my campaign. Fast forward to now where we are closing in on the first big conclusion of the campaign, it is clear our […]

Dungeons and Dragons Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons – OneShot: Escape from the Slaughter Basement

Not entirely sure how this happened, but I was chatting to the two friends I’ve known the longest (30+ years by now) about getting together in Denmark and somehow it turned into: Let’s play a D&D oneshot Now, the two of them have very different backgrounds in roleplaying games: One used to play D&D and […]