Dungeons and Dragons Giants

Dungeons & Dragons – Frost Giant (Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures)

This Frost Giant was the second giant following the Storm Giant. While not as epic and mighty as the Storm Giant, this Frost Giant certainly still oozes of power of brute strength. For that reason, I decided to paint him much more grounded than the Stone Giant, by making his weapons worn and littered with […]

Dungeons and Dragons Monstrosities

Dungeons & Dragons – Yeti (Atlantis Miniatures)

This was the third of the “Big Boys” I painted back to back, starting with the Storm Giant and the Frost Giant. While the Yeti isn’t part of the Ordening (or even Giantkind), it can still work fine as a buddy to the Frost Giant, maybe a pet, maybe a short-lived alliance. This was one […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

Pages from my DM notebook 2019-2021

14 Sept 2019 we held our wedding reception and a few days before, my wife bought me a notebook for D&D. I wrote my wedding speech on the first pages and since then it has been my DM notebook as we travelled from UK through Sweden to Denmark in the middle of the pandemic. The […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 23: Looking for answers and a way in

DM note: Since this game had to be heavy on finding information, I took inspiration from “Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master” and rather than try to second-guess what our heroes would do, I instead wrote: A list of secrets and truths to be discovered A list of likely places A list of likely NPCs […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Stormcast Eternals Knight-Questor Larissa Shadowstalker (Games Workshop)

I bought this on a whim back in London back in 2019. Fast forward to now in Copenhagen, I finally got a chance to paint her. I am not a fan of the Stormcast paint jobs. They look shiny and plastic and like toys. Doesn’t fit D&D where I think she would be good as […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 22: Daddy Ghoul

Stuck in the future where all the gods and godlike powers have been displaced by a furious Fey attack using the forest itself, our heroes are working to bring their patrons back. Braxton Silvereyes, an elderly man who helped the players when they first arrived in this future, asked the heroes for help as a […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 12 – Dungeons and more civilised places

Now that we are starting to settle in in Copenhagen, I thought it would be fun to start creating some bigger scenery pieces having been using UDT almost exclusively for last 18 months. And I did have an upcoming D&D session I wanted to run as a small classic dungeon crawl in a temple consisting […]

Bad Moon Warband Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Snakebite Cyboar Boys Mob (Games Workshop)

So… It has come to this! Back in 2017 I wrote up two 1,000 point armies based on the ever-awesome Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader (1st edition wh40k). The first one a Bad Moon warband in memory of the army I used to play. And the second a Harlequin as I’ve always wanted to paint […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Pile of Bodies and Bones

It is amazing what you can get our of some skeleton bits, hot glue, a bit of boredom and some imagination. Really pleased with this pile of bodies and bones. Here’s the final result. Further down are photos of how I did it. How to make your own pile Step 1: Cut some skeleton bits […]

Dungeons and Dragons Elves

Dungeons & Dragons – Female Dark Elves with Crossbows (Gamezone Miniatures)

The only Gamezone Miniatures I had up until this point was some mighty fine halbediers, so was great to get some more of their fantastic miniatures. I needed these Dark Elves for a game so I decided to speed paint them and I have to say I am really pleased with the result. The set […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 21: A Growl and A Laughter

This is the first time since we left London in July last year that we play with miniatures. Photos by my lovely wife. The party, having had to come to terms with the fact they are 300 years in the future (and have lost their patron given powers), had decided to follow a rumour about […]

Dungeons and Dragons

A rare opportunity to look through all my minis

While I have this, my hobby site, and while I actively use my miniatures, it is a rare chance to lay out all my minis at once. Really the only time you do this, is when you either do a massive cleaning exercise or you move home. In my case it has been the latter […]