Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books

Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures!

Getting back into Dungeons & Dragons this year has truly revived my painting hobby and looking back at 2018, I have painted more minis this year than the previous decade! Without any further ado, here are all of them in a single post! Enjoy! also check out my other two mega posts: Dungeons & Dragons MEGA […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 3.7: The Devil’s Horns island

So… Just to be clear this game did NOT go as planned. A Total Party Kill can be mighty epic and fill the table with satisfaction eventhough every character got killed. However, a Wipe Out where basically the party utterly fails is never fun and unfortunately this spin-off chapter turn into exactly that. In hindsight I […]

Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Wyvern aka Typhaggahw, Gwyfern of Ceredigion (Mierce Miniatures)

So this is one of those where I’d love to say I spent hours… nay… DAYS on the paint job… but I did not. Bottomline is I speed painted my way right through this and am very happy with the result! Prime Green Ink with Coelia Greenshade from Games Workshop Drybrush with a light green […]