Dungeons & Dragons Campaigns (Overview Jan 2018 to present)

The adventures of the A-team(in chronological order)

War of the Triplets (January 2018 to December 2019)

  1. Chapter 0: Jorn the Wellwatcher
  2. Chapter 1: “Pure and Lost”
  3.  Chapter 1.5: “Come on Baby Light my Lighthouse”
  4. Chapter 2.5: “Theurumines’ Labyrinth”
  5. Chapter 2 and 3: See You Later Alligator…man
  6. Chapter 3.5: Tower of the Time Wizard
  7. Chapter 3.6: The Kidnapping at Dragonspeak
  8. Chapter 3.7: The Devil’s Horns island
  9. Chapter 4: Trouble in Lyrayara, the Elven Omnitropolis
  10. Chapter 5: Roads to… ?
  11. Chapter 6: The Soul Exchange
  12. Chapter 7: The Hunt for the Giant
  13. Chapter 8: The Masquerade
  14. Chapter 9: Enter the Desert (first character death)
  15. Chapter 10: Escape from the Dragon’s Lair
  16. Chapter 10.5: Cage of Carnage (How to make an encounter in a different way)
  17. Chapter 10.6: Scout mission
  18. Chapter 11: Facing The Blinded Beholder Jethrolar the Unseeing Eye (aka all good things come to an end)

The adventures of The Internationals (in chronological order)

“The Internationals” was a first try with the players that would become “The Hell Benders“.

Two Bridges (May 2020 to October 2020)

  1. Dungeons & Dragons – Twobridges Chapter 1: The Hunt for the Werewolf
  2. Chapter 2: Troll Bridge
  3. Chapter 3: Rats in the Room

The adventures of The Nightshift (in chronological order)

Daisygate (Januar 2020 to July 2021)

  1. Chapter 1: The Road to Daisygate
  2. Chapter 2: The Black Sapphire
  3. Chapter 3: Grimshaw’s Inheritance
  4. Chapter 4: The Fairydopterist
  5. Chapter 5: The Baby Dragon
  6. Chapter 6: Burning of the Half Fey
  7. Chapter 7: The Mind Controller
  8. Chapter 8: The Cult of the Netherworld
  9. Chapter 9: A Rescue Mission to Avernus
  10. Chapter 10: “SPINOR”
  11. Chapter 11: The Demon’s Tooth
  12. Chapter 12: The Disappearance of the Baroness
  13. Chapter 13: The Search for the Baroness
  14. Chapter 14: The Tale of the Spring Princess and the Winter Prince
  15. Intermission 1: The return of Grimshaw
  16. Chapter 15: The Feyblood Exchange
  17. Chapter 16: Entering the Feywild
  18. Chapter 17: An audience with the Mountain King
  19. Chapter 18: DIY Moon Bridge
  20. Chapter 19: Revenge is sweet
  21. Chapter 20: 366 years later…
  22. Chapter 21: A Growl and A Laughter
  23. Chapter 22: Daddy Ghoul
  24. Chapter 23: Looking for answers and a way in
  25. Chapter 24: Entering the Crimson Spire
  26. Chapter 25: Climbing the Crimson Spire (All good things must come to an end)

The adventures of Bebbie’s Bar Staff (in chronological order)

Bebbie’s Bar (March 2022 to June 2022)

  1. Chapter 1: Ham Shortage
  2. Chapter 2: What A Shit Show
  3. Chapter 3: Landing permit A38-B

The adventures of Double Trouble (in chronological order)

The Ball (October 2022 to February 2017 )

  1. Chapter 1: Double Trouble Reunites
  2. Chapter 2: Searching for Fayeth
  3. Chapter 3: Shop till you drop
  4. Chapter 4: Dresses to kill for
  5. Chapter 5: Dance till you Die
  6. Chapter 6: Avalena Ena – The Idol of the Ball

Christmas oneshot

  1. Dungeons & Dragons – Double Trouble oneshot – The Fey Storm, a Christmas Tale

The adventures of The Hellbenders (in chronological order)

A Way Home (august to december 2021)

  1. Chapter 1: What just happened?
  2. Chapter 2: Exploring the Underdark
  3. Chapter 3: Mushroom. People.
  4. Chapter 4: Smart Choices
  5. Chapter 5: A Deal with a Dragon
  6. Chapter 6: The Upside Down Tower of Time
  7. Chapter 7: A Giant Argument
  8. Chapter 8 : The first thing to die in battle is the plan
  9. Chapter 9 : Battle of Dragonskeep

A Date with the Devil (january to june 2022)

  1. Chapter 1 : Demon Chickens
  2. Chapter 2: We are Sailing…
  3. Chapter 3: The Night Diligence
  4. Chapter 4: The Battery Exchange
  5. Chapter 5: Clubbing at the Pleasure Dome
  6. Chapter 6: Gateway to Heaven
  7. Chapter 7: Broken Hearts in Heaven
  8. Chapter 8: Epilogue

The Troll Hunt (september 2022 to april 2023)

  1. Chapter 1: The Hunt Begins
  2. Chapter 2: Follow that Goblin!
  3. Chapter 3: Father Winter
  4. Chapter 4: Goodbye
  5. Chapter 5: Pestilence
  6. Chapter 6: Revelation
  7. Chapter 7: The Dragon Hunt

Hell of a Payback (august 2023 to december 2023)

  1. Chapter 1: Trust Issues
  2. Chapter 2: A Meet’n’Greet with Belial
  3. Chapter 3: Hellhound & Hare
  4. Chapter 4: Mirror, mirror
  5. Chapter 5: Eye of the Mindflayer
  6. Chapter 6: Showdown in the Warehouse
  7. Chapter 7: The Power in the Shadows of Hell

Blight of the Iron Lich (January 2024 to present)

  1. Chapter 1: Return to Dragonskeep
  2. Chapter 2: Finding the Way
  3. Chapter 3: Sunflower Grange
  4. Chapter4: The Road Through Elderthorn Forest
  5. Chapter 5: Fun at the Grim Glee Jubilee
  6. Chapter 6: Curse of Mushroom
  7. Chapter 7: Singing in the Elderthorn Forest
  8. Chapter 8: Pulled Pork
  9. Chapter 9: Thaddeus Rostak The Iron Lich
  10. Chapter 10: Death Tyrant Searchlight
  11. Chapter 11: Visiting the local grocers
  12. Chapter 12: The Shootout at the Unlucky Horseshoe
  13. Chapter 13: The Clock and The Bell